Too rusty to begin something new;
but that is not a reason not to make one step forward,
or backward.
To believe there is a hope
is like hoping a paracematol will cure a disease
just like that, a hope is one kind of heroin type of drug to some people.
And as for me,
a hope is only a page; to paint it black, or
To let it be the way it is
The way it should be.
Funny, isnt?
A happy person is actually screaming inside
searching for a light to move on
searching for a way to keep a happy face.
A happy person is someone
Who is empty inside
and looking for a paintbrush with colours
and keep a bottle of white kerosene to preserve the goodness.
murder someone's dream
to keep his sane.
and awake.
Is everyone okay?
Are you okay?
Keep believing you are.
Keep hoping you are.
if you are drowning and dying
there is a scorching light moving towards you
to reach you
to reach you
Hold it tight
you may be saved
once more.